
The big picture...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Latest Weigh in and 'stuff'

Been a roller coaster of a couple of weeks with relationship wobbles at home and long days at work that prevented seeing the wobbles before they became complete jello. This was the closest that D and I have come to ever really ending it but he is the king of self help and there are now books littering the floor bursting with tips, action plans and checklists to start us back on the road to awesome. Reading doesn't come naturally to D so I love him even more for wanting to work at this and we'll do it one page at a time.

Amazing how you can go from what you think is awesome to 'pretty shit really' in the blink of an eye. Nevermind. Moving on. But needless to say the scales have been telling me I'm not in control. Gain of a whole kg (3.8 pounds) over the past 2.5 weeks. Impressive in the completely wrong way. Was tempted to not post - quit - start again - pretend I never tried. But then re read my posts so far and was reminded of how awesome it feels to be in control, how much all of you have achieved and how these challenges only make us stronger.

Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Hey, I put on some poundage too over the past month. Toomuchfood!

  2. lol yes - followup to come, it gets worse but it will get better. Happy New Year! :)

  3. Okay, I'm doing better. What are *you* doing? Are you off the celebration wagon?
    Can't wait to read the promised followup.
    And Happiest of New Years to you!


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