
The big picture...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A victory with portion sizes

Had a wonderful (unexpected) loss of a whole kg this week. Given I'm not doing any much exercise, and haven't been a tracking saint, I was a little surprised but not going to over think it too much :-).

I have noticed that my appetite seems to have finally matched what my portion sizes should be. It's only taken 3 years of measuring everything! I must say it's a slightly crazy feeling to polish off a small sandwich and not be consciously thinking about what else I can have or how hungry I am. Viva la revolution!

Toes are mostly healed (looking presentable anyway) and I'm ready to start the evening walks again at the end of the week. Am having an Epsom salts foot soak tonight while typing this and it feels good. Thoroughly recommend it - turns out Mum and my podiatrist might be on to something! Hope you and your feet are having a great week, toodles!

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