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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Versatile Blogger

Diane over at Big Beautiful Me has tagged me for a Versatlile Bogger Award – OMG! Chuffed is the understatement of the year so thank you Diane!

Award etiquette is:
  1. Thank the person who gave me the award (That’s you Diane – thank you!)
  2. Share 7 things about myself.
  3. Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs
  4. Let my nominees know about their award.
Number 3 and 4 will have to happen in stages...some research and time required!

7 things you don't know about me yet...
  1. I am Giant Panda crazy (another reason we travel a lot - none in New Zealand)
  2. I got married (to my ex husband) in Vegas
  3. I love my job 
  4. Purple is my favourite colour
  5. 'Hold Please Caller’ is my favourite saying (and no, I don't work in a call centre)
  6. I have a fungal infection on my left foot that refuses to go away (TMI – I know!)
  7. (ducking for cover) I really don’t like children
Stage 1 of the nominees for the Versatile Blogger Award are...(in no particular order)

Thanks again Diane - you made my day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lou, thanks so much for nominating me. I have to get my act together and do a post about it. I guess that's one of the 7 things: I'm a procrastinator! Thanks for reading my blog too! Your is fantastic!


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